According to Chinese customs data, China exported a total of 324,330.01 MT of iron sulfate worth US$87,212,417 in 2022. Of this, the largest amount was exported to Vietnam at 410,767,508 MT, followed by Tanzania. The top three European countries were the Netherlands, which imported 3,377,350 MT of iron sulfate from China. Italy, Turkey, Russia, South Africa, Australia, the Philippines, and Bangladesh ranked 4-10. Imports from EU countries accounted for nearly 30% of China's ferrous sulfate exports.
Ferrous sulfate is a light blue crystal, also known as "green alum", with strong redox properties, in the air is very easy to oxidation reaction in ferrous sulfate. It is a by-product of titanium dioxide plants and can also be produced by reacting iron powder with dilute sulfuric acid; it is insoluble in ethanol. Ferrous sulfate can be classified according to its own water of crystallization and use.
Classification of ferrous sulfate according to its water of crystallization.
We often say iron (II) sulfate are only heptahydrate iron (II) sulfate, that is, with seven crystalline water of iron (II) FeSO4-7H2O, but with the drying of iron (II) sulfate heptahydrate heating, with the continuous removal of crystalline water, is used in drying type iron(II) sulfate, iron(II) sulfate pentahydrate, iron(II) sulfate monohydrate with anhydrous iron(II), etc. , react with its further purification as reagent grade ferrous sulfate.
Dried ferrous sulfate with ferrous sulfate monohydrate and ferrous sulfate anhydrous are white crystals. The ferrous sulfate pentahydrate is a bright, orchid green, sandy crystal with a ferrous sulfate pentahydrate content of 98.5 or more, a TiO2 content of less than 0.07, and a pH of 3-4.
Dried ferrous sulfate and anhydrous ferrous sulfate may have an iron content of 99% or more. For reagent grade ferrous sulfate, manganese and some trace elements must then be extracted from the ferrous sulfate. Of the various ferrous sulfate grades, ferrous sulfate monohydrate is used as an additive for feeding iron to animals.
Classification according to different uses of ferrous sulfate -.
1.Ferrous sulfate - Pharmaceutical grade:As iron tonic for anemia. Iron tonic for pregnant women. As a topical astringent.
2.Ferrous sulfate - Agricultural grade: Fertilizing the soil, adjusting the acidity and alkalinity of the soil and improving the soil. Or as iron fertilizer.
3, Ferrous sulfate - Food grade:As an antioxidant used in food packaging to maintain freshness.
4, Ferrous sulfate - water treatment quality: in waste water treatment, it can be used as decolorizing agent, coagulant.