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Comprehensive Overview of Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate: Properties, Preparation, Applications, and Market Trends.

Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate is a multifunctional chemical used in pest control, wood protection, fireproofing, industrial production, agriculture, and chemical catalysis. Here’s a bit more about it:

Chemical Properties

  • Chemical Formula: Na2B8O13.4H2O

  • CAS: 12280-03-4

  • Molecular Weight: Approximately 201.73 g/mol

  • Appearance: White or colorless crystals, highly hygroscopic

  • Solubility: Easily soluble in water, forming an alkaline solution (pH about 8-9)

  • Melting Point: No significant melting point; loses water and decomposes upon heating.

  • Stability: Stable under dry conditions but hygroscopic or deliquescent in humid environments

Chemical Reactions

  • Acid-Base Reaction: Becomes weakly alkaline when dissolved in water.

  • Thermal Stability: Loses water and decomposes at elevated temperatures, forming sodium borate and other boron compounds.

Preparation Methods

  1. From Boric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide

    • Reaction Equation:

       8H₃BO₃ + 4NaOH → Na₂B₈O₁₈·4H₂O + 12H₂O

    • Steps:

      • Dissolve boric acid (H₃BO₃) in water.

      • Gradually add sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution to the boric acid solution and stir well.

      • Cool the mixture at low temperatures to crystallize Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate.

      • Filter the crystals, wash, and dry under suitable conditions.

  2. From Sodium Borate and Sodium Hydroxide

    • Reaction Equation: 

      8Na₂B₄O₇ + 4NaOH + 8H₂O → Na₂B₈O₁₈·4H₂O

    • Steps:

      • Dissolve sodium borate (such as sodium tetraborate) and sodium hydroxide in water.

      • Mix the solutions under appropriate conditions.

      • Obtain Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate by cooling crystallization, filtering, and drying.


1. Pest Control

·         Termite Control: Used in buildings and wooden structures to control termites, usually applied to wood surfaces, or injected into wood. The compound disrupts the digestive system of pests, leading to death.

·         Cockroaches and Ants: Used in households and commercial environments to control cockroaches and ants, often in powder form, applied in areas frequented by these pests.

·         Treatment Methods: Can be mixed with other components to make formulations, sprays, or solid baits to enhance effectiveness against various insects.

2. Wood Protection

  • Preservation: Used for wood preservation to prevent deterioration from fungi, mold, rot, and insect damage. Commonly used in building structures, furniture, and external fixtures (e.g., wooden fences), especially in humid and warm environments.

  • Application Methods: Includes soaking, spraying, or brushing. Treated wood, after drying and curing, has improved resistance to decay and durability.

3. Fireproofing Materials

  • Wood and Building Materials: Used as a fire retardant to improve the fire resistance of wood and certain building materials, reducing fire risk.

  • Coating Formation: Releases moisture when heated, forming a protective borate layer that slows flame spread.

4. Industrial Uses

  • Glass Manufacturing: Acts as a flux in glass production, lowering melting temperatures and enhancing glass quality and production efficiency. Helps control transparency and heat resistance of glass.

  • Ceramic Production: Improves strength, wear resistance, and high-temperature performance of ceramics. Helps form uniform ceramic structures, enhancing overall quality.

  • Coatings and Adhesives: Used as an additive in some coatings and adhesives to improve performance, such as enhancing water resistance or increasing bonding strength.

5. Agricultural Applications

  • Plant Nutrition: Provides boron in fertilizers, a trace element essential for plant growth. Boron affects cell wall formation and pollen development.

  • Soil Improvement: Used in some agricultural and horticultural practices to improve soil nutrition, promoting healthy plant growth.

6. Chemical Reaction Catalysis

  • Catalyst: Acts as a catalyst in certain chemical reactions, accelerating reaction processes or improving efficiency. For example, it can be used as a catalyst or co-catalyst in some organic synthesis reactions.

  • Reaction Medium: Used as a reaction medium or stabilizer in some industrial chemical processes to help control reaction conditions or increase yields.

Storage Conditions:  Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate should be stored in a dry, cool environment, avoiding high temperatures and humidity. Use sealed containers to prevent moisture contact and ensure clear labeling. Although not sensitive to light, it is best to avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. The storage area should be well-ventilated and away from food and drinking water. Regularly check the integrity of containers and follow local storage and handling regulations to ensure safety.

Key Markets and Regions:

1. North America (USA and Canada)

  • Wood Protection: Widely used in construction and wood treatment to prevent decay and pest damage.

  • Pest Control: Applied in households and commercial environments to manage termites, cockroaches, and other pests.

  • Fireproofing: Used in fireproofing wood and building materials.

  • Regulatory Requirements: High environmental and safety standards drive the use of Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate in North America.

2. Europe

- Western Europe (e.g., Germany, France, UK):

  • Construction Industry: Applied in wood protection and fireproofing, particularly for decay and fire resistance.

  • Industrial Applications: Used in glass and ceramic manufacturing to improve product quality and performance.

  • Pest Management: Utilized in homes and industrial settings for pest control.

- Eastern Europe (e.g., Poland, Czech Republic):

  • Wood and Building Protection: Growing use in wood and building protection.

  • Agricultural Use: Supplementary use in agriculture for plant nutrition.

3. Asia-Pacific

  - China:

  • Construction and Wood Protection: Increasing demand for wood treatment and protection due to construction growth.

  • Agricultural Market: Used for soil improvement and plant nutrition to enhance crop yields and quality.

  • Industrial Applications: Applied in glass and ceramic manufacturing, driving demand growth.

- India and Southeast Asia (e.g., Vietnam, Thailand):

  • Wood Protection: Growing use in construction and wood treatment.

  • Pest Control: Applied in agricultural and household pest management.

4. Latin America (Brazil and Argentina):

  • Agricultural Market: Used to improve soil and plant nutrition, boosting crop yields.

  • Construction Industry: Rising demand for wood protection and fireproofing with construction growth.

5. Middle East and Africa

  • Middle East (e.g., UAE, Saudi Arabia): Construction and Fireproofing: Used for fireproofing buildings and enhancing building material fire resistance.

  • Africa (e.g., South Africa, Kenya): wood Protection: Increasing use in wood treatment and protection, particularly in humid environments.

Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate is widely used across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. Its demand is driven by the needs in construction, wood protection, pest control, industrial applications, and agriculture. Regional application focuses vary, but the overall trend shows expanding use in response to environmental regulations and market needs.


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